On Senlac Hill
Modelling, terrain craft and miniature wargaming
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Work on the Dutch–Portuguese war (1602–1663) begins
My last Colonial project (Egypt 1882) is languishing, but out of the blue has come something new! I've been looking at the Grumpy Miniat...
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Battle of Brentford, 12 November 1642
After Edgehill, Prince Rupert swept down the Thames Valley with the aim of taking the capital – the prospect of which caused a “great stir“ ...
Friday, 2 December 2011
Edgehill, Sunday, 23 October 1642
One month after the opening skirmish at Powick Bridge, King Charles' army found itself facing a Parliamentarian army under Robert Devere...
Monday, 14 November 2011
Powick Bridge, 23 September 1642
In what is popularly characterised as the opening 'battle' of the English Civil Wars, the battle of Powick Bridge saw about 1000 R...
Sunday, 13 November 2011
1643 ... somewhere in the west country (a solo DBA encounter)
In late summer 1643, a sizeable force of Sir Ralph Hopton's army surprise Waller's Parliamentarians near a hamlet in Somerset. The R...
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Somewhere near Pevensey, 14 October 1066
One of my earliest projects when I began playing DBA was to paint up the armies for a 1066 campaign. Well, in 2011 I finally finished the No...
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
DBA-RRR ECW – battlefield terrain
Having painted and based and fought an initial battle with my ECW army for DBA-RRR, I decided it was time to turn the paintbrush to some ter...
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