On Senlac Hill
Modelling, terrain craft and miniature wargaming
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
New year ... new scale! WSS in 6mm
I've been tempted for some time by 6mm wargaming - first by the Spanish tercios of a comrade who frequents the local gaming store, then ...
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
80-PR R.M.L Warrnambool
Memories of the old days mucking around with (big) guns with the HRSA ... This battery is located at Flagstaff Hill, Warrnambool, in Austral...
Saturday, 20 October 2012
A 'Waterloo Man' at the world's end
On a recent trip to Tasmania I had the opportunity to visit an old friend who I first met in 1992 – Barracks Sargent Philip Maher, c. 1791–1...
Friday, 19 October 2012
With the impending addition of 'ploughland' to the DBA terrain options for arable landscapes, there have been some excellent pieces ...
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Rupert routed in Wick Field, 12 Oct 1642
This year I'm repeating the ECW early war campaign I tested last year with the aim of fighting the battled on the actual days. Tonight i...
Friday, 11 May 2012
Grumpy Portuguese Colonials
My Grumpy Miniatures Colonial Portuguese DBA-RRR army is largely complete, at last! The list is based on a foot general with options of up t...
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
AE2 'up the Narrows', 24-29 April 1915
Aboard Britain’s greatest dreadnought battleship, the HMS Queen Elizabeth, around midnight on the evening of the 25th April 1915, General Si...
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