On Senlac Hill
Modelling, terrain craft and miniature wargaming
Saturday, 26 March 2016
Adobe buildings and some naval gaming from the Tin Shed
At last the Easter long weekend has come and a chap can spend more time in his tin shed! Having the opportunity now to use larger war gami...
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Britain Detail and Herald toy soldiers -
Ahh the nostalgia. At the market today my young fella was tugging at my shirt ... "Dad, Dad! Soldiers." He has a good eye for a vi...
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Scratch built terrain for WW1 Middle East in 15mm
There is so much to love about the festive season – family (tricky relations ... maybe less so!), holidays, excellent nosh, left-overs ... a...
Monday, 21 December 2015
Dash for the oasis
With a busy end to the working year and the demands of the silly season, wargaming becomes a late night affair! I've been dead keen to...
Monday, 23 November 2015
Tea Break!
It feels like time for a tea break. I've spent what few spare moments I could muster in the past week painting what Messrs. Skinner and ...
Saturday, 7 November 2015
"A man will never need a grave dug if he is shot in this desert"
After reading Wavell's rather dry " The Palestine Campaigns " (pardon the pun), I needed to get back to some history told ...
Saturday, 3 October 2015
6mm scratch-built entrenchments for Great War Spearhead II
I love an excuse to drop everything and scratch build something. I was setting up for my second game of Great War Spearhead II (GWSH II)...
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