On Senlac Hill
Modelling, terrain craft and miniature wargaming
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
The Three Headed Dog: HMVS Cerberus scratchbuild in 1:600
The wreck of the breastwork monitor HMVS Cerberus sits in Half Moon Bay, Melbourne, Australia, where she was sunk in 1926 as a breakwat...
Sunday, 14 August 2016
First Balkan War: Deck plans for Greek and Ottoman ships
A quick post of some of the deck plans I used for the Ottoman and Greek ships for the First Balkan War scratch build project. Just those d...
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Monday, 8 August 2016
Langton 1:1200 Ironclads - by special delivery!
Several years ago I invested in a fair number of Tumbling Dice 1:2400 ships with the aim of moving into some ACW naval gaming. They are ni...
Battle of Elli, 16 December 1912 - Grand Fleets 3rd Ed. AAR
The First Balkan War (October 1912 to May 1913) saw the Balkan League (Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and Montenegro) go to war against the fadi...
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