For a wargamer that cut his teeth painting medieval armies, turning my hand to Disruptive Pattern Material (DPM) uniforms in 10mm is quite a challenge.
Here are some hastily cobbled together pictures of the first figures off the painting table. That said, they still need a wash and some highlighting. The yompers are accompanied by what will be a pair of Blues and Royals FV107 Scimitar light tanks.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
New scale and new project: Falklands War in 10mm
I have for some time harboured an interest to start a project around the Falklands War (Guerra de las Malvinas). As a 19 year old I followed the coverage of this conflict on these windswept, bare sub antarctic islands with great interest.
The images of the sinking of the General Belgrano and the Exocet missile strikes on HMS Sheffield and MV Atlantic Conveyor left a deep impression - as have names like Mt Longdon, Two Sisters and Mount Tumbledown. Of course we can name many more moments when the world watched on in awe of the horror of modern warfare.
Anyway, I've had this project percolating away in the background until I recently happened across the inspirational work of Dougie with his first rate painting and basing of 10mm Pendraken miniatures - not to mention his great work on terrain. See:
Dougie's basing is something special too:
So, I've got myself a copy of Fivecore Company Command and a bag of Pendraken minis arrived today. Here begins my first 10mm project. There are many challenges ahead not least painting the camouflage uniforms of the British. Stay tuned for more updates.
... and just to follow up on Col's comments below about the Seacat missile systems used during the Falklands, here's a bit of promotional material I tracked down and an interesting link regarding Seacat missile aiming.
The images of the sinking of the General Belgrano and the Exocet missile strikes on HMS Sheffield and MV Atlantic Conveyor left a deep impression - as have names like Mt Longdon, Two Sisters and Mount Tumbledown. Of course we can name many more moments when the world watched on in awe of the horror of modern warfare.
Anyway, I've had this project percolating away in the background until I recently happened across the inspirational work of Dougie with his first rate painting and basing of 10mm Pendraken miniatures - not to mention his great work on terrain. See:
Dougie's basing is something special too:
So, I've got myself a copy of Fivecore Company Command and a bag of Pendraken minis arrived today. Here begins my first 10mm project. There are many challenges ahead not least painting the camouflage uniforms of the British. Stay tuned for more updates.
... and just to follow up on Col's comments below about the Seacat missile systems used during the Falklands, here's a bit of promotional material I tracked down and an interesting link regarding Seacat missile aiming.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
The Three Headed Dog: HMVS Cerberus scratchbuild in 1:600
Since reading an interesting account of the birth of the Victorian Navy (eg. of the Colony of Victoria ... not the era) by Wilson P Evans - "Deeds Not Words: The Victorian Navy", The Hawthorn Press, Melbourne 1971 - I've longed to have a scale model I could do some "what if" naval gaming with.
Why buy, when you can build, I say! Here is the first steps towards bring the Three Headed Dog back to life again - if only on the gaming table. The scale is 1:600.
With the basic turret roof in place, the pile of PVC begins to reflect the Three Headed Dog! |
Interior of the aft turret awaiting the gun ports to be cut and the main guns fitted. |
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Gun ports cut and barrels fitted. |
With the upper deck sitting in place, it's not looking right - too thick? Maybe it'll improve when the superstructure, mast and ship's boats are in place. |
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Well, the Flying Deck did improve visually when I cut it to the correct width (original was 20 feet wide). Then I've added the mast, fighting top, funnel and rear access to gangway. |
breastwork monitor,
HMVS Cerberus,
scratch build,
Victorian Navy
Sunday, 14 August 2016
First Balkan War: Deck plans for Greek and Ottoman ships
A quick post of some of the deck plans I used for the Ottoman and Greek ships for the First Balkan War scratch build project.
Just those discussed on another post initially, but will add more over time.
Greek ship plans:
Just those discussed on another post initially, but will add more over time.
Greek ship plans:
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Hydra_Brasseis1902 |
Ottoman ship plans:
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Muavenet-i Milliye ex German s-165 DD |
deck plans,
First Balkan War,
Greek navy,
Hellenic Navy,
Ottoman navy,
scratch build
Monday, 8 August 2016
Langton 1:1200 Ironclads - by special delivery!
Several years ago I invested in a fair number of Tumbling Dice 1:2400 ships with the aim of moving into some ACW naval gaming. They are nice little ships that come at a great price - but lacked the detail I wanted. In the end, they found a new home via Ebay.
Now, I find myself on the brink of a new era of ACW naval gaming thanks to John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough! 'What the ...?', I hear you say. Thanks for asking, let me explain! :)
My first grand venture into 6mm was with a pair of the excellent War of Spanish Succession starter armies from Baccus. They were great little guys and I really enjoyed painting up my Anglo-Dutch and Franco-Bavarian armies. However, as so often happens with me, I have all the energy in the world with a new project right up to the point of gaming with the freshly painted armies. They sat for a couple of years and I recently decided to sell them to finance new projects.
Well, there was great interest on Ebay, but none more determined than a gentlemanly request from the east coast of the US asking if I would consider shipping these guys half way around the world (I'd said no international shipping in my listing). The short version of events is that I quickly warmed to this buyer in the US and happily offered to ship them if he won. He did, and I'm glad. The tale is eloquently told elsewhere, but let me just say that I can thank the Duke of Marlborough - or at least my new mate Rob's interest in the fine gent - for linking me up with a great new wargaming pal across the pond (the very big one to the east).
I quickly discovered that Rob was a decent and very generous guy, and hearing I was pining for some riverine ironclad biffo, he took pity on this penniless Antipodean and very kindly sent a care package from the most wonderful Langton 1:1200 ACW range (available from Waterloo Minis in the US).
In the weeks since, I've been agonising over painting techniques for these estuarine monsters and the various other gunboats included in my package from Rob. I make no claims of being any good at this style of painting as yet - for instance, sails somehow defeat me, despite many attempts. But, on the weekend I finished painting the ships to my initial level of satisfaction and based them in preparation for a trial run of David Manley's Iron and Fire rules for the Ironclad period (1850-1880).
I don't have any dedicated terrain for this scale of naval/riverine gaming, so I pulled together what I could with my usual naval gaming cloth (yes, the blue tablecloth from my buddy Elaine!) and some pieces of a cut up terrain mat. A few pictures follow.
Confederate ironclads sortie out from a river to intercept some of the Union blockading fleet that ventured too close. |
The CSS Merrimack (ACW1) and CSS Richmond (ACW9) steam out to intercept the Federals. |
Elements of the the Federal blockading fleet - (L to R) a captured Confederate Commerce Raider (ACW25), USS Gen. Bragg (ACW53) and USS Cumberland (ACW2). |
Langton 'Commercial Steamer (ACW25) rigged as a Confederate Commerce Raider |
Langton USS Cumberland (ACW2) - needing some rigging, a challenge for another day! |
Langton USS/CSS Gen. Bragg (ACW53). |
Langton CSS Merrimack (ACW1) |
Langton CSS Richmond Class ironclad (ACW9) |
Who says Ebay is a bad thing?
Battle of Elli, 16 December 1912 - Grand Fleets 3rd Ed. AAR
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The Bulgarian attack at Çatalca (near Istanbul) . |
However, after leaving the Hellenic Navy with two months to consolidate it's hold on the Aegean, on 16 December, 1912, the Ottoman Navy sortied out from the Dardanelles and sparked the largest sea battle of the war.
Ottoman Navy, Cpt Ramiz Bey
- 2 battleships (Barbaros Hayreddin and Turgut Reis), these were Brandenburg-class battleships purchased from the Imperial German Navy in 1910.
- 2 old battleships (Mesudiye and Âsâr-ı Tevfik)
- 1 protected cruiser (Mecidiye)
- 4 destroyers (Muavenet-i Milliye, Yadigâr-i Millet, Taşoz and Basra)
Hellenic Navy, Rear Adm Pavlos Kountouriotis
- 1 armoured cruiser (Georgios Averof)
- 3 coastal defence battleships (Hydra, Spetsai and Psara)
- 4 destroyers (Aetos, Ierax, Panthir and Leon)
The Battle
The Ottoman fleet sortied from the Dardanelles at 9:30; the smaller craft remained at the mouth of the straits while the battleships sailed north, hugging the coast.During the battle, Kountouriotis, frustrated by the slow speed of the three older Greek battleships Hydra, Spetsai and Psara, hoisted the Flag Signal for the letter Z which stood for "Independent Action", and sailed forward alone at a speed of 20 knots, against the Ottoman fleet.
Taking full advantage in her superior speed, guns and armour, Averof succeeded in crossing the Ottoman fleet's "T" and concentrated her fire against the Ottoman flagship Barbaros Hayreddin, thus forcing the Ottoman fleet to retreat in disorder. The Greek fleet, including the destroyers Aetos, Ierax and Panthir continued to pursue the Ottoman fleet off-and-on between the dates of December 13 and December 26, 1912.
Gaming the Battle of Elli
1. The Fleets
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Postcard: Turkish warships before the Battle of Elli on December 5, 1912 upon leaving the Dardanelles |
The Ottoman navy battleship division: Barbaros Hayreddin (flagship), Turgut Reis, Mesudiye and Âsâr-ı Tevfik. |
The Ottoman destroyer division: The protected cruiser Mecidiye (flagship) and destroyers Muavenet-i Milliye, Yadigâr-i Millet, Taşoz and Basra (multi-ship base). |
The Hellenic Navy: The armoured cruiser Georgios Averof (flagship), and coastal defence battleships Hydra, Spetsai and Psara. |
The Hellenic Destroyer Division: Aetos, Ierax, Panthir and Leon (foreground) |
2. The Battle
The Ottoman Navy, under Cpt Ramiz Bey, steamed out of the Straits of the Dardanelles at 8am on 16 December 1912. The weather conditions were good and the sea was quiet.
Rear Adm Pavlos Kountouriotis orders the main battery of the Averoff to return fire on the Turgut Reis scoring a single hit in retaliation. |
The Ottoman battleships close in on the Greeks with the 9.2" guns of the Mesudiye also searching for the Averoff. |
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The remaining Ottoman destroyers steam into close quarters and launch the final torpedoes against the Hydra - which is subsequently sunk. |
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The Hellenic destroyers 'cross the T' of the Ottoman battleships to launch final torpedo attacks - the Âsâr-ı Tevfik having fallen out of command. The Ottoman battleships retaliate heavily. |
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The heavy guns of the Ottoman battleships and the Hellenic cruisers pick off the remaining destroyers on each side, resulting in both sides exceeding the victory point tally required for victory. |
However, for the Ottoman Navy the loss of their flagship, Barbaros Hayreddin - now at the bottom of the Aegean along with the fleet commander Cpt Ramie Bey - will reduce the likelihood of any further sorties into the Aegean.
While the Hellenic Navy's flagship Georgios Averof is damaged, and their modern destroyer division is now but a memory, one can imagine Rear Admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis will be quick to re-assert Hellenic influence in the Aegean.
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